Thursday, June 6, 2013

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Summer Solstice

In just a couple of weeks, June 21st will signify the beginning of summer. I happen to remember this day because it is the birthday of my best friend when I was growing up. Despite, it still being spring, San Antonio has had some really warm days and we're lucky that our pool is open. We've taken advantage and spent quite a bit of time in the water so far. In addition, watermelon and other summer produce has been abundant in the stores.

The beginning of summer and the end of summer are probably my two favorite times of year. The excitement of a summer vacation, warm days, time at the pool and/or beach, and summer produce lead up to great memories. Then as summer is winding down, you look forward to the weather cooling off, leaves changing (unless you're in San Antonio...), and apples, pumpkins, etc... But who wants to look down that road now?! It's almost summer and this monkey family is planning to have a fun one!


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