Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pin It



This is the crazy time of year when I'm trying to keep track of all the things going on and what needs to be done. I like to make lists to organize the chaos going on in my head, but I still forget things or think that something is so simple it doesn't need to go on the list (especially if it's not handy). Today, I had a regular chant going on of all the places I needed to run errands. Then there's a separate list of things I need to do. My list for today looked a little like this:
  •  milk man comes, leave his check and the order form
  • notify Bro Bro's sitter that there's no Little Gym for Monkey girl for the next 2 weeks so she doesn't have to haul herself over here those mornings
  • run errands at bank, post office, grocery store, and department store
  • take trash out this evening
  • clean up kitchen so I can bake cookies tomorrow
  • finish wrapping presents
Needless to say I forgot a couple of things like getting the dogs dinner. I was preoccupied with feeding the children. Not to worry though, because they reminded me pretty quickly. If only things like my Christmas tree could whine or bark to remind me that they need water. Or if my holiday cards could remind me they need to be addressed and mailed off already. I know, I know, they're really late, but I have a bit of an excuse, they just got here today.

On top of that, Dadda monkey is laid up for a couple of days so I'm on my own with everything. I can truly say I sympathize with all the single Moms or Dads out there. Normally I don't credit Dadda monkey enough, but every little bit helps. I was so stressed today, that I forgot my favorite weekly activity...Ladies Night. Once a week, some girlfriends and I gather at a friend's house to watch a little TV, drink a little wine, and chat a bit. I always look forward to it and tonight it somehow completely slipped my mind. On a week when I could use it the most, my head was in a fog and I missed it.

I hope your schedules this holiday season are allowing you a chance to enjoy it. I love this time of year, but I feel swamped this week. I do have one little tool that helps ease my mind a bit. I just have to discipline myself to use it and consult it more often. I'll share that little gem with you soon. For now, I'm off to take out the last of the trash and then get some sleep so I can do this all over again tomorrow.


  1. Yeah, I feel the same way. Whenever I leave the house and have things to do or get, I just make a note in my head of how many things I need to do or get, leave with a total number, and then when I am at the store I remember the number but still forget what I was supposed to be getting..not sure if that helps me or drives me crazier! lol..

    Following you from Friendly Friday. Please stop by Harvest For Tomorrow if you get a chance.

    Amy at

  2. :) Haha! I'm so glad I've gotten back in the habit of checking your blog because you forgot to tell me about little gym! :P And don't worry about ladies night. We figured you couldn't come with Dadda monkey laid up. :) Let me know if you need help with anything!


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