Saturday, March 9, 2013

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Oz The Great and Powerful Review

 The following review is provided by Dadda monkey:

Oz the Great and Powerful was a great movie. It does a wonderful job as a prequel and helps to establish the origins of the Wizard, Glinda the Good, and the Wicked Witches of the East and West. They also did a great job of pulling in the fans of the original movie by adding that black and white before Oz touch, only being a new movie, they improved it.

The movie begins with a spectacular 3D show during the opening credits. The screen is also condensed, much like the original Wizard of Oz, but they make the 3D effects extend into the darkness on the sides of the screen making the audience feel the effect is in the movie theater itself. It was truly an innovative use of 3D technologies.

The actors did a great job in their roles, the lead being played by James Franco of Spiderman fame. The star of Scrubs, Zach Braff, lends his hand to the comic relief. The Wicked Witches also did a great job, but I won't spoil who the wicked witches are just yet, it's kind of a spoiler.
If you get a chance to go see Oz, the Great and Powerful I would highly recommend it.

I'll add that Dadda monkey wasn't thrilled that they didn't address the ruby slippers. This is a movie that should definitely be seen in 3D, the colors are amazing, and the black and white section definitely made you think back to The Wizard of Oz. 

Here are a couple of fun things to bring the spirit of Oz home!


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