We weren't sure how a 1 and 2 year old would do with sitting through a live show, but we were pleasantly surprised. I think it helped that it was characters my 2 year old recognized. We try to catch Curious George on TV in the afternoons here and she thoroughly enjoys the 'silly monkey'.

On a Sunday afternoon, we went to Freeman Coliseum and took our seats while waiting for the performance. As an aside, the staff was really patient with allowing my monkeys to crawl around before the show began. Note to self though, don't get there really early with small children who will be bored and restless. However, once the lights and music started they were as curious as George himself. Then when George and the man in the yellow hat appeared, they were hooked.

The story begins with George getting a large package and what might be inside. It's traveled all the way from Italy and inside is a chef's hat. It then goes on to a meatball contest and trials and tribulations along the way. I have to admit that as much as my daughter enjoys singing and dancing, she's not quite patient enough to sit through unfamiliar songs by other people. On top of that a lot of the story is told through the songs and she's too young to catch on to the meaning in the song. Luckily for us there was a lot of activity going on on stage and Curious George was oversized and very animated, which helped keep her attention. All in all, our monkey family enjoyed watching Curious George Live and we'd go again. I recommend it to others, especially if your kids are slightly older.
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