Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday (looking for Keurig deals)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a lovely time with friends and ate until we were stuffed. Now that it's black Friday, I'm happy to be sitting at home and enjoying the day with my monkeys. Dadda monkey's at work, but should be getting off early. Then we're hoping to just finish decorating for Christmas and putting the house back together after having had house guests for a few days.

The past two years, we've braved the crowds and headed out to Black Friday sales in the wee hours of the morning to snag some good deals. This year, however, there's nothing we really want that necessitates joining the crowds. We have working computers, televisions, etc... and the monkeys aren't quite old enough to want the hit toy of the season, which is good because I have no idea what that toy might be this year. In addition, I've had a list of gift ideas for a few months now and have been purchasing things as they go on sale. There's only one item that I'm hoping to find a good deal on sometime before Christmas. I'd really like to buy my sister a Keurig coffee maker.

It's kind of a funny story as to why I want to get her the Keurig. We stopped by her house about a year and a half ago (she lives several states away) and I could have sworn I saw one in her kitchen. So last year I bought her some Keurig accessories including the storage drawer for k-cups from Bed Bath and Beyond, which I highly recommend. Shortly after she got her gifts, she asked me if I had meant them for her or had made a mistake because she doesn't have a Keurig...oops! Anyways, I knew right away, this would make buying her gift this year a cinch. Clearly, I need to buy her a Keurig so I'm patiently waiting for the right time to purchase one.

So today, I'm sitting at home, browsing online occasionally to see if any of my gift idea items go on sale and glad to not be out and about. Good luck to everyone on their holiday shopping, whether you're home or out among the Black Friday masses!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Families, Distance, and the Holidays

Table for 4?

Dadda monkey and I live hundreds of miles from any relatives. It doesn't hit us that hard until the holidays or when a special event happens. Dadda monkey's sister-in-law just had a baby and with Thanksgiving around the corner, we're feeling a little nostalgic. I miss the formal Thanksgivings my mother would host. Plus my Mom is a much better cook than I could ever hope to be.

I'm lucky to be surrounded by great friends though. When I lived in the DC area, a friend would invite us over for 'orphan' holidays. We'd get together with others who didn't have family in the area and we'd have a great time. Last year, a friend invited us to her house for Thanksgiving and we loved that it gave the kids a feeling of family and togetherness. There's nothing like celebrating Thanksgiving with others. This year she invited us again and I jumped at the gracious invitation.

However, we'll still miss being with extended family. I'll be honest, like all families, we've had our differences with one another. One of my main faults is that I lack empathy and openness when it comes to my in-laws, and my Mother and I have a tenuous relationship, but I'd like to feel like part of a close family at least for my kid's sakes. These are the times when I feel bad that my kids won't get to know their aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents as well as they could have. I didn't grow up with much extended family nearby, but I was lucky that my cousins were close in age to my sister and I, and our parents ensured that we visited each other regularly. I spent a period of time every year in Kentucky with my Dad's family and my Mom's family would visit us (at least) annually.

We'd consider visiting family for Thanksgiving, but it hasn't been in the cards for us yet. My parents are busy with their retirement lives. More on that later, but their social calendar is almost busier now than before they retired and they do make a specific trip every year to visit us. Dadda monkey's family all lives close to one another so it'd be easy to visit all of them. However, since they're all there, it ends up being a big commotion. It's gotten so bad in the past that we've sometimes felt slighted and regretted making the trip up there, which is never a great result, especially since we're trying to show the monkeys how important family is. Again, I've got to work on this empathy thing, but it can be really difficult sometimes.

We've invited family to join us for the holidays, but it's out of the way for everyone to come down here and so they just make plans amongst themselves. That's what hurts the most is to think that it's a hassle for family to visit our monkeys. Again, if it were just Dadda monkey and I, it wouldn't be a big deal, but I really feel like the monkeys are missing out. We'll continue to try to ensure the monkeys know who their family is and that it's important to make time for one another. In the meantime, I'll continue to enjoy the generosity and company of friends. Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Yard Sale Laziness (my own)

I've been waiting for another community yard sale ever since the last one ended. We put the things that didn't sell in a corner of the garage and have been gradually adding to that stack. I'm convinced that's why we can't get a car in the garage yet. (Don't judge me, the new homes in San Antonio have tiny garages). Although, the garage is also quickly filling up with large Christmas presents for the kids that have to be assembled. So any hope of getting a car in the garage before Christmas is a pipe dream.

Anyways, at the HOA meeting two weeks ago, they let us know that the community yard sale would be today. I was really happy about getting an opportunity to rid myself of our garage sale pile. I planned to make a list of excuses here as to why I was too busy to get to it, but in reality if I had been dedicated enough, it would have gotten done. I think knowing that most of the items were already in a pile let me slack too much on the other things that needed to be done to prepare for the sale. Needless to say, early in the evening last night I decided to skip this one and wait for the spring yard sale. It was an easy decision since I hadn't set prices, gotten signs to put up, or figured out how to put out the baby clothes in an organized fashion. Not to mention Dadda monkey had been insisting all day yesterday that he did not want to do the yard sale and he had a golf lesson to go to that morning.

So here we are today, Dadda monkey is at his golf lesson as I'm watching tons of cars driving down our street perusing all the yard sales. There are at least two people on my street participating. Therefore, I'm now kicking myself for not getting my act together and getting my stuff out there. Lesson learned though, I feel so guilty about giving in to my own disorganization and Dadda monkey's complaints that I know this won't happen next time. Not to mention, I want my garage back! I'll continue brooding while I make a few Craigslist ads just in case! Anyone want a coffee table?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Eversave Bakery Deal

I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween festivities. In the spirit of edible sweets, Eversave has a great bakery offer. For $14 you get a dozen cupcakes from The Cakery Bakery. This comes out to just over a dollar a cupcake, which is a great deal in my book. For that price, it's worth it to not bake them myself. Take the time off before holiday cookie season and get some cupcakes for the family, office, or any event.

The Cakery Bakery features traditional flavors including red velvet and german chocolate as well as some unique varieties. A couple that pique my interest are the strawberry citrus and coconut lime (their signature flavor). You're allowed two flavors for your dozen cupcakes, which could be a tough decision, but you can always purchase additional Saves. Hurry though, this Save ends Thursday, November 3rd.

The phenomenal folks at Eversave have agreed to offer one of my readers this Save (worth $28). So on to the fun part...

How To Enter:
(The first step is required for your first entry. Any steps after that reward you with an extra entry.)
This giveaway is only offered within the United States.

1. Let me know your favorite kind of cupcake (if it's unique or you have a terrific recipe, please feel free to share the recipe) OR what great deals you've picked up from Eversave.

2. Become a public (GFC) follower of my blog, Mommy 2 Monkeys, and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
3. 'Like' the Mommy 2 Monkeys Facebook page and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
4. Follow me on Twitter and leave  a comment on this post that you've done so.
5. 'Like' Eversave on Facebook, tell them Mommy 2 Monkeys sent you, and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
6. Follow Eversave on Twitter and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
7. Place my button on your blog/website and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.

This giveaway will remain open until November 4, 2011 at 6:00 AM, central time. The winner will be chosen using I will post the winner on my blog and also email the winner (please make sure your email is visible on your profile or post it in your comment). The winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email or I will choose another winner via Good luck!


Mommy 2 Monkeys was provided with the opportunity to hold a giveaway for my readers. No other compensation was received and the views expressed here are my own.