Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Seventh Generation Free & Clear Diapers

I received a small package of Seventh Generation's newly re-designed Free & Clear diapers to try on my monkeys. As luck would have it, both of them wear the same size diaper due to having a boy that doesn't stop eating and an older daughter that eats like a bird. That meant that I got to try the diapers on each of them. First thing I noticed is that the packaging is minimal. The package can even by recycled at your supermarket's plastic bag recycling collection point. That, in addition to a redesigned lighter-weight core that is both more efficient at absorption and uses less processed chlorine free wood pulp, means that they contribute less to overall landfill use.

The second thing I noticed is the difference in color, it's a light brown that automatically reminds you that you're doing a great thing for both your child and the environment. The diapers don't have 'decorations' on them, but I don't miss them at all. Neither of my kids really bothered to check out the illustrations on their diapers before.  Though I admit that I did almost put a diaper on my son that was inside out because it looks the same all over. To be fair, I was really tired at the time and Bro Bro monkey was being fussy and squirmy.

Aside from the obvious benefits of using Seventh Generation's Free & Clear diapers, I was really impressed with the design. In a pinch I've tried other brands of diapers and have been severely disappointed so I was skeptical about how these would perform. Immediately I saw that the tabs are generously sized and fasten really well. Having a boy that likes to take his diaper off randomly, I was really appreciative of how secure these are. Also, they perform fantastically. We've not had any leaks or blowouts in the short time we've been using them. The monkeys have really sensitive skin and get diaper rashes easily so I feel better about the fact that these don't have added fragrances or any chlorine.

I am always concerned about my ecological footprint in the world, but am afraid to sacrifice quality in some things. Honestly, I can feel good about making the switch to Seventh Generation's Free & Clear diapers. I was really impressed with them.

Thanks to Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark, you can win a pack of the Free & Clear diapers in size 2, 4, or 5. 

How To Enter:
(The first step is required for your first entry. Any steps after that reward you with an extra entry.)
This giveaway, and subsequent shipping, is only offered within the continental United States.

1. Let me know why you'd like to try these OR how you feel about eco-conscious baby products.

2. Become a follower of my blog, Mommy 2 Monkeys, and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
3. 'Like' the Mommy 2 Monkeys Facebook page and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
4. Follow me on Twitter and leave  a comment on this post that you've done so.
5. Follow Seventh Generation on Facebook, tell them Mommy 2 Monkeys sent you, and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
6. Place my button on your blog/website and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.

This giveaway will remain open until August 2, 2011 at midnight central time. The winner will be chosen using I will post the winner on my blog and also email the winner (please make sure your email is visible on your profile or post it in your comment). The winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email or I will choose another winner via Good luck!


Mommy 2 Monkeys was provided with a sample for the purpose of this review and the opportunity to hold a giveaway for my readers. No other compensation was received and the views expressed here are my own. The information presented, the review sample, and the giveaway item are all provided by Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been wanting to make sure we take our kids on regular family vacations each year. As a result I've been MIA for the past couple of weeks. We intended to go to the Delaware beaches for a week, but it turned out a little longer due to difficulty with flights. On the flip side, the monkeys did a pretty good job handling the traveling and we all really enjoyed our beach vacation.

Back to business now...tomorrow, I'll have a pretty nice review and giveaway with a product I've been pleasantly surprised with. If you have little ones in diapers stay tuned.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mr. Popper's Penguins

Mr. Popper's Penguins was perpetually pleasant. If you see the movie, you'll understand the use of P words. Pippi turned out to be a cute touch to the movie. I thought this was a really enjoyable movie. It seems to have gotten some poor reviews and I guess that's why I don't usually bother listening to reviewers. Reviewers don't like happy endings all the time or anticipated story lines. I, however, find those things soothing to my soul. Seriously, movies are an escape for me and I don't want to be shocked by a bad twist or have my experience end on a less than happy conclusive note. You can tell from my Pirates of the Caribbean review that I was distraught by the open endedness of one of the side stories.

My critical review of reviewers aside, I really enjoyed this movie. Mr. Popper's Penguins was humorous and adorable. The penguins are definitely the main stars and I was surprised at just how much they were featured doing various things (more than I thought penguins could be trained to do). Since it's not animated, I don't think I'd take my 18 month old monkey and even monkey girl (at 3 years old) might struggle to stay focused on it. I took my friends 5 year old and he seemed fine with it.

As a bonus, something I didn't realize before, is that this Mr. Popper's Penguins is based on a book. We're going to look for it the next time we're at the library. If you're child is 5 or up, I think this is a cute children's movie that adults will like just as much.