Thursday, September 30, 2010
Stuck Toys
I have spent a good portion of the past 2 days pulling stuck toys out of other toys, or laundry baskets, or kitchen gadgets, etc.. I have heard the stories of poptarts being put in the VCR or gum in various places, but my kids are under 3. I had hoped not to have to be worrying about this for some time. Granted I'm happy it wasn't food, but I'm hoping this is not a sign of what the future has in store for me. Top that with the terrible 2-3 (I've heard 3 is worse....) year old tantrums that accompany frustration and unhappiness and you've got a Mommy that needs some quiet time. This weekend is a busy one for us though and I won't be getting much quiet any time soon. Hopefully, it will be a fun weekend though and one without any more stuck toys.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Potty Training 102
Many moons ago, I wrote about getting the potty chair to start potty training. I still love the potty chair, but the potty training isn't going so well. I think Monkey girl's just not ready yet. She'll be 2 and a half in a couple of weeks and we've tried to start potty training several times to no avail. The first couple of hours go well, until she has to go, then it's always in between the 10 minute intervals I've been taking her. I've tried pull-ups, big girl underwear, and training pants. After she goes, I ask her if she wants to try again or if she wants a diaper, and the response is always in favor of the diaper. We'll keep at it every couple of weeks, but just as with her speech progression, I'm going to have to accept that she'll do things in her own time.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Yo Gabba Gabba! Live!
Ever since we discovered Yo Gabba Gabba! over a year ago they have been shown in our house at least once a day. Bro Bro monkey is even starting to watch the show. At first, Dadda monkey and I found the show fairly bizarre, but we soon learned how addicting the songs were and noticed the really great messages the show conveys to their pint size audience. My daughter is often caught singing songs like 'There's a Party in my Tummy', 'Keep Trying', or 'Try it, You'll Like It'. For those who know about my daughter's speech problems, the fact that she's singing these songs is great for more than one reason. I even did a post about Yo Gabba Gabba's influence in our lives back in March.
Last year I didn't know about Yo Gabba Gabba! Live! until they had already come through our area so this year I made sure to buy our tickets as soon as I heard they'd be in San Antonio. December 9th, the Monkey family will be going to see Yo Gabba Gabba! Live and I can't wait to see the kids reactions when they realize what we're going to see. You can visit for more information on the show including when and where their performances will be. The show is supposed to be about an hour long and, unlike most live shows, will be careful about hurting your little one's ears. There will even be surprise special guests at the live show. We honestly can't wait until we go and as an added bonus, by December I think even Bro Bro will be aware of what he'll be watching. There's going to be a party in our city and we've made sure we're going to be there.

A couple of notes about the CD (including a free download): Jam-packed with Super Music Friends & all of the songs you’ve grown to love including those from Weezer, MGMT & Jimmy Eat World. A deluxe edition featuring bonus songs from the hit series will also be available on iTunes. Fans can get a sampling of the record with a free download of our favorite Super Music Friends – Weezer’s track “All My Friends Are Insects” at
MUSIC IS AWESOME! VOLUME 2 is available on CD at Target, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and independent music retailers nationwide and for pre-order on Amazon (link below):
I have to confess I'm jealous of the winner. While I'm typing this post, my daughter is peering over my shoulder with a big smile on her face, looking at the pictures, and saying 'Yo Gabba'. Sorry YGG, we've dropped the last part of your name.
How To Enter:
(The first step is required for your first entry. Any steps after that reward you with an extra entry.) Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
1. Let me know what your favorite part of Yo Gabba Gabba! is. For example, do you have a favorite character, song, special guest appearance. You can go here for some help. If you've been to the live show leave me a comment letting me know what you thought of it.
2. Become a follower of my blog, Mommy 2 Monkeys, and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
3. 'Like' the Mommy 2 Monkeys Facebook page and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
4. Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
5. Place my button on your blog/website and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
This giveaway will remain open until October 4, 2010 at midnight central time. The winner will be chosen using I will post the winner on my blog and also email the winner (please make sure your email is visible on your profile or post it in your comment). The winner will have 72 hours to respond to my email or I will choose another winner via Good luck!
Mommy 2 Monkeys was provided with the opportunity to hold a giveaway for my readers. No other compensation was received and the views expressed here are my own.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Bro Bro's Birthday
We recently celebrated Bro Bro monkey's first birthday. We're so happy to have hit this milestone and as if he knew what time it was, he started taking 2-3 steps on his own. It took him forever to crawl, but once he got going we all knew immediately just how much he likes to move. So we really shouldn't have been surprised when he started taking baby steps recently.
For the monkeys' first birthdays we decided to keep them low key. Just like for Monkey girl's first birthday, we celebrated Bro Bro's birthday with just our immediate family. We picked up cupcakes and let him dive into his very own. As for presents, I have high praises for 2 of the gifts we got him. The first one was the Haba Colori Stacking Ball. It's a little hard for him to assemble right now, but it's a great size and I love the colors. In fact just today, a friend of mine was admiring it.
The second toy was a Busy Zoo Activity Center
. It was discounted slightly at Amazon and I thought it would be worth a try. It turns out that both Bro Bro and Monkey girl love it. It's hard to find toys that Bro Bro will sit in front of and be content for any extended period of time, but this is one of those and I'm so glad that we decided to give it a try. I highly recommend it for any young children.
We had a great day and Bro Bro (and Monkey girl) seemed equally as happy with the festivities. Happy Birthday, my little man!
We had a great day and Bro Bro (and Monkey girl) seemed equally as happy with the festivities. Happy Birthday, my little man!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Are You Ready For Some Football?!?
I am! Though I'm not in the DC area anymore, I'm still rooting for my beloved Redskins. It is my favorite professional sport and football season holds many great memories for me. To me it also signals the beginning of fall. I've held onto my season tickets in hopes of getting great seats when/if we move back to the area. Dadda monkey wasn't a big football fan when we met. We started watching some games together and he was hooked. Naturally he became a Redskins fan because those are the games we watched the most and he took a great interest in them. Now he may be a bigger fan than me...maybe.
Last year we made it back to DC just as preseason was starting so Dadda monkey got to go to his first professional football game ever. We talk about heading up to Dallas for the Redskins game, but I wouldn't want to take the kids and it may be hazardous to our health to display our loyalty in Cowboy country. Today, however, I proudly wore my Redskins shirt in anticipation of Sunday's game against the Cowboys. Even the monkeys have Redskins apparel of their own. Though we're relatively far from Dallas (in fact closer to Houston), there's a great many avid Cowboy fans in San Antonio. They even televise the Cowboys on the news as if they're the home team. I haven't figured out if it's just because Texans in general love the iconic Cowboys or if it may be because the Cowboys practice here at the Alamodome. Either way I'm looking forward to tomorrow's game and watching my favorite player #47 Chris Cooooooley! It should really set off the season with a bang (hopefully in favor of Washington). Go Skins!
Last year we made it back to DC just as preseason was starting so Dadda monkey got to go to his first professional football game ever. We talk about heading up to Dallas for the Redskins game, but I wouldn't want to take the kids and it may be hazardous to our health to display our loyalty in Cowboy country. Today, however, I proudly wore my Redskins shirt in anticipation of Sunday's game against the Cowboys. Even the monkeys have Redskins apparel of their own. Though we're relatively far from Dallas (in fact closer to Houston), there's a great many avid Cowboy fans in San Antonio. They even televise the Cowboys on the news as if they're the home team. I haven't figured out if it's just because Texans in general love the iconic Cowboys or if it may be because the Cowboys practice here at the Alamodome. Either way I'm looking forward to tomorrow's game and watching my favorite player #47 Chris Cooooooley! It should really set off the season with a bang (hopefully in favor of Washington). Go Skins!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Being Sick With Kids Is Not Fun
Dadda monkey must have picked up something at work and shortly after he was having symptoms, I got sick. The kids followed suit too. Luckily, I think they're bigger troopers about it than their parents are. We have completely different ways of reacting to being sick. Dadda likes to take his sick days and spend them playing video games and watching movies. I prefer to stay in bed, sleep most of it off and maybe read a little. The kids went about their normal routine though. Dadda monkey's dietary preferences don't change except for wanting more sweet tea. I prefer soup, raisin bread toast, and hot tea. If my throat hurts I love sorbet.
The worst part, aside from watching my poor children be semi-miserable, is trying to still care for them and keep our routines when I just want to curl up in bed with quiet surroundings. The tropical storm passing through allowed me to cancel Monkey girl's gym session without much guilt and we were able to re-schedule for this Saturday. Dadda monkey's feeling better and I think I'm getting better as well so it looks like things will get back to normal soon.
The worst part, aside from watching my poor children be semi-miserable, is trying to still care for them and keep our routines when I just want to curl up in bed with quiet surroundings. The tropical storm passing through allowed me to cancel Monkey girl's gym session without much guilt and we were able to re-schedule for this Saturday. Dadda monkey's feeling better and I think I'm getting better as well so it looks like things will get back to normal soon.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Monopoly and Family Game Night
Monopoly is one of my favorite board games of all time. I remember trying to get my parents to play this with me frequently when I was younger. Too often though they weren't interested, which was sad both then and now. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to play with me. I love the idea of instituting a family game night and was thrilled to discover that September 29th is officially Family Game Night. Check out the Hasbro's Family Game Night Facebook page. The new Monopoly Revolution seems like a great updated version I might have to pick up for my family in anticipation of family game night.
Hasbro is generously sponsoring a giveaway in honor of Family Game Night and Monopoly. One of my readers will win the Monopoly Property Trading game.
How To Enter:
(The first step is required for your first entry. Any steps after that reward you with an extra entry.) Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
1. Let me know what memories you have of playing Monopoly OR what you would do if you won the money from Monopoly's bank?
2. Become a follower of my blog, Mommy 2 Monkeys, and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
3. 'Like' the Mommy 2 Monkeys Facebook page and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
4. Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
5. Place my button on your blog/website and leave a comment on this post that you've done so.
This giveaway will remain open until September 10, 2010 at midnight central time. The winner will be chosen using I will post the winner on my blog and also email the winner (please make sure your email is visible on your profile or post it in your comment). The winner will have 72 hours to respond to my email or I will choose another winner via Good luck!
Mommy 2 Monkeys was provided with the opportunity to hold a giveaway for my readers. No other compensation was received and the views expressed here are my own.
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